This documentary examines the life and work of the late fashion designer Yves Saint-Laurent, recounting how a frail prodigy prone to bouts of depression became an icon of the fashion world. Initially appointed head of the House of Dior in 1957 before growing into a globally recognized designer in his own right, Saint-Laurent overcomes his struggles with substance abuse, accumulating a large art collection alongside his lifelong personal and professional partner, Pierre Bergé.
Length 98 minutes
Pierre Bergé | Yves Saint-Laurent | Betty Catroux | Loulou de la Falaise | Jack Lang | Frédéric Chambre | Boujemaa Lahbali | Catherine Deneuve | Laetitia Casta | François de Ricqlès | François Curiel | Lionel Gosset | Antoine Godeau | Randy Jones | Carla Bruni | Bernard Buffet | Linda Evangelista | Mick Jagger | Zizi Jeanmaire | François Mitterrand | Nicolas Sarkozy | Andy Warhol