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Mrs McGinty's Dead (2008)

Directed by Ashley Pearce


After James Bentley is convicted and sentenced to hang for the murder of Mrs. Abigail McGinty, the lead investigator in the case, Supt. Harold Spence, begins to have doubts. Concerned that he may have been instrumental in sending a possibly innocent man to the gallows, he asks Hercule Poirot if he would investigate further. Accompanied by his friend, the writer Ariadne Oliver, Poirot sets off and soon takes up residence where Mrs. McGinty worked as a cleaning lady.While going through her few remaining possessions he finds a newspaper dated only a few days before her death but with two photos cut out. He traces the photos and Mrs. Upward, his hostess admits to recognizing one of the photos but an attempt on his life and a second murder leads Poirot to ask why Mrs. McGinty was killed and concludes it had to be because of something she knew.

Length 93 minutes


David Suchet | Richard Hope | Joe Absolom | Sarah Smart | David Yelland | Simon Molloy