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As the song starts, she enters the mission filled with oddly dressed people, including a man banging his head onto a pillow and a woman resembling Santa Muerte cradling a mummy. Additional characters call a healer and nurse from above as they watch Gaga move throughout the mission’s courtyard. The healer and nurse try to engage with Gaga, but she continues to drift away from them. Later in the video, an ambulance spinal board is brought in behind Gaga. Everyone gathers inside the mission to watch Gaga as the healer opens a box akin to a defibrillator. Gaga begins to cry and scream, thus waking her up in the real world. Paramedics shock her back to life after being hurt in a car-bicycle accident. All the imagery from the fantasy world appear as billboards on the street where the accident occurred, along with the people surrounding her. The desert world she imagined turns out to be White Sands National Park in New Mexico.
Length 5 minutes