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SKJ: Seleb Kota Jogja (2010)

Directed by Lakonde


Three unlucky friends form a band but get into continued altercations with a more popular rival metal band. Keeping their music fun and light, they continue to gain popularity.

Length 90 minutes


Bagus 'SKJ' | Tama 'SKJ' | Juan Rangga 'SKJ' | Cinta Laura Kiehl | Nindy Ayunda | Lala Karmela | Restu Triandy | Jaja Mihardja | Fandy Christian | Sita Nursanti | Butet Kertaradjasa | Epy Kusnandar | Udin Nga Nga | Clara Sinta | Rico Verald | Toddy Zilla | Gilang Andrean | Kriss Hatta Luis | Irfan Hakim | Vanessa Angel | Bondan Nusantara