The story of Eleanor Stark, whose entire life has been leading up to this moment: her first day as Chief Creative Officer of the legendary movie studio, Ambrosia Productions. As Eleanor rises to the top of her game working side by side for years with the industry’s most respected men, we learn that one of them has been abusing women all along. What role does she play in the story of Hollywood’s most fiercely guarded secret?
Rated NR
Alysha Umphress | Jenna Ushkowitz | Tony Yazbeck | Heath Calvert | Steve Rosen | Robyn Hurder | Merle Dandridge | Polly Baird | Jessica Bishop | Jim Borstelmann | Joshua Buscher | Richard Gatta | Leah Hoffmann | Jolina Javier | Donald Jones Jr. | Bryonha Marie Parham | Sarah Ann Masse | Anthony Wayne | Cory Lingner