This new remastered edition features updated special effects, restored picture and sound and edited into a feature length movie. Responding to a distress call on one of the Federation’s outer-most colonies, the Enterprise arrives…only to find a big hole in the ground where the town used to be, and discovers the Borg are behind the attack. Soon Captain Picard is kidnapped and assimilated into the Borg collective. With Captain Picard now a member of the Borg collective. Riker is now in command of the Enterprise as the Enterprise slows the Borg cube but is in need of urgent repairs and cannot join the rest of the fleet as it engages the enemy. By the time the Enterprise has reached the battlefield, the Federation’s fleet has been destroyed. The Borg now know everything that Picard knows and it’s left to Riker to find a unique way to retrieve their captain. When they succeed, it’s necessary for them to find a way to reach Picard’s consciousness and find a Borg weakness.
Rated NR | Length 86 minutes
Patrick Stewart | Jonathan Frakes | Brent Spiner | LeVar Burton | Michael Dorn | Gates McFadden | Marina Sirtis | Whoopi Goldberg | Wil Wheaton | Elizabeth Dennehy