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Signals: A Space Adventure (1970)

Directed by Gottfried Kolditz


In the middle of the next century, a spaceship loses its bearings, and the commander of another space crew, seemingly on a routine check flight, decides to investigate. The result is an unusual suspense adventure.

Length 91 minutes


Piotr Pawłowski | Irena Karel | Yevgeni Zharikov | Gojko Mitić | Alfred Müller | Helmut Schreiber | Soheir El-Morshidy | Karin Ugowski | Iurie Darie | Ahn Dao Pham Huy | Jean Hounsinou | Promod Pandey | Aubrey Pankey | Berndt Renné | Friedrich Richter | Zbigniew Sawan | Marianne Christina Schilling | Fritz Mohr | Fred Ludwig | Ewa Szykulska