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Cyborg 2087 (1966)

Directed by Franklin Adreon

Most recently watched by sensoria


In the future world of the year 2087, freedom of thought is illegal and the thoughts of the world’s populations are controlled by the government. A small band of “free thinkers” send a cyborg back in time to the year 1966 to prevent a scientist from making the breakthrough that will eventually lead to the mass thought control of the future. Our time traveler soon discovers he is not alone when government agents from the future try to prevent him from carrying out his mission.

Rated NR | Length 86 minutes


Michael Rennie | Karen Steele | Wendell Corey | Warren Stevens | Eduard Franz | Harry Carey, Jr. | Adam Roarke | Chubby Johnson | Tyler MacDuff | Dale van Sickel | Troy Melton | James Hibbard | Sherry Alberoni | Betty Jane Royale | John Beck | Shug Fisher | James Kline | Charles Evans | JoAnne Gaylord | Ted Ryan | Harry Hollins | Ruth Foster | Larry Dean | Jo Ann Pflug | Richard Travis | Byron Morrow