In 1978, CBS aired the “Star Wars Holiday Special” the week before Thanksgiving to an audience of 13 million people. Considered one of the worst shows in television history, it aired only once. George Lucas tried to bury it and an infamous camp legend was born. This documentary unravels the mysteries behind the most bizarre Star Wars spin-offs of all time.
Length 91 minutes
Seth Green | Kevin Smith | Paul Scheer | Taran Killam | "Weird Al" Yankovic | Bruce Vilanch | Gilbert Gottfried | Donny Osmond | Miki Herman | Jonathan W. Rinzler | Mick Garris | Jason Lenzi | Steve Binder | Patton Oswalt | Craig Miller | Leonard Ripps | Brian Ward | Peter Sears | Bobcat Goldthwait | Kyle Newman | Matthew Robbins | Marc Pevers | Anthony Caleca | Larry Heider | Bob Mackie | Beverly Abdurahmen | Scott Kirkwood | Steve Schuster | Gus Lopez | Steve Sansweet | Rolland Smith | George Lucas | Mark Hamill | Carrie Fisher | Peter Mayhew | Anthony Daniels | Bea Arthur | Art Carney | David Acomba | Mitzie Welch | Ken Welch | Clive A. Smith | Jon Favreau | Dave Filoni | Bonnie Burton | Harrison Ford