Anything’s Possible is a delightfully modern Gen Z coming-of-age story that follows Kelsa, a confident high school girl who is trans, as she navigates through senior year. When her classmate Khal gets a crush on her, he musters up the courage to ask her out, despite the drama he knows it could cause. What transpires is a romance that showcases the joy, tenderness, and pain of young love.
Rated PG-13 | Length 96 minutes
Eva Reign | Abubakr Ali | Courtnee Carter | Kelly Lamor Wilson | Grant Reynolds | Renée Elise Goldsberry | Alec Ludacka | Noah Pacht | Naveen Paddock | Lenora Nemetz | Miriam Laube | Manu Narayan | Vanita Harbour | Bill Hartung | Simone Joy Jones | Caroline Travers | Melessie Clark | Tordy Clark | Benjamin Cummings | Lav Raman | Andy S. Allen | Michelle Do | Maria Becoates-Bey | Bailey Wilson | Walter H. McCready | Nic Inglese | Suraya Collins | Evie Piekarski | Jordan McNeal | Daniel Lawrence | Ken Lutz