Based on true events, “Nitram” lives with his parents in suburban Australia in the mid-90s. He lives a life of isolation and frustration at never fitting in. As his anger grows, he begins a slow descent into a nightmare that culminates in the most heinous of acts.
Length 112 minutes
Caleb Landry Jones | Judy Davis | Anthony LaPaglia | Sean Keenan | Essie Davis | Phoebe Taylor | Lucy-Rose Leonard | Annabel Marshall-Roth | Ethan Cook | Rick James | Conrad Brandt | Jessie Ward | Zaidee Ward | Kyan Hugh Mana Walters | Lucas Friend | Charlotte Friels | Christiana Plitzco | Nick Batzias | Ian Hume | Carolyn Hume | Trelawney Dewe | Anita Jenkins | Fergus O'Luanaigh | Josh Johansson | Simon Gilbertson | George Batzias