Tokimeki Memorial brings together the twelve young girls from Kirameki High School, but revolves around the main girl, Fujisaki Shiori. The story starts at the beginning of the third school year, which is the last year before the main character can choose a girl and date her at the graduation.
Length 84 minutes
Mami Kingetsu | Sachiko Sugawara | Sakura Tange | Akiko Sekine | Masayo Kawaguchi | Mikiko Kurihara | Shiho Kikuchi | Ayako Kurosaki | Ayako Sasaki | Kurin Yoshiki | Masaaki Tsukada | Miki Ono | Narumi Tsunoda | Nobuo Tobita | Rei Igarashi | Ryoka Yuzuki | Tomoko Naka | Toshio Kawai | YĆ“ko Teppouzuka | Yuji Ueda