The story of Sukhadi, a twelve-year-old Adivasi girl who makes a daily trip to a sleepy railway station to fetch water. This banal activity is transformed into an adventure by her chance meeting with Zainaab, a beautiful and mysterious, thirteen-year-old gypsy girl. Zainaab challenges Sukhadi to jump on to the old-fashioned narrow gauge train that takes holiday makers to Matheran on top of the mountain.
Length 30 minutes
Shabana Shaikh | Nadira Irani | Sanjay Narvekar | Nagi Bai | Chandrika Shah | Leela Zariwalla | Bomi Kapadia | Delna Patel | Viraj Raje | Asita Joshi | Dodo Bhujwala | Neesha Jhaveri | Harish Amin | Mangli Bai | Savli Bai | Nandu Bhorkar | Sarfuddin Quarrassi | Rajesh Joshi | Chetan Chamur | Achal Dhruva | Jyotsna Karyekar | O.P. Kohli | Rasika Oak | Tanveer Ahmed | Laxman | Commander