After being kidnapped by a predatory old vampire, Kurt becomes part of a gang of rebellious vampires who feed on bigots and abusers. As a vampire he finally knows empowerment and belonging, but his maker is still out there and until Kurt faces the monster, he will never truly be free. But this time he won’t face it alone.
Length 73 minutes
Xai | Grace Hyland | Tumelo Nthupi | Chris Asimos | Erin Paterson | Iris Mcerlean | Molly Ferguson | Hallie Chlanda | Emma Bleby | Brendan Cooney | Luana Pohe | Vonni | Alixxx | Etcetera Etcetera | Ron Abelita | Patty Glavieux | Adrian Crawford | Phi Trinh | Ben Johnson | John Cooper | Cheryl Louise | Nicholas Michalakis | Dylan Warren | Vincent Donato | Drew Droege | BenDeLaCreme | Joe Romeo | Jessica Burgess | Patrick Sharkey | Charlotte Jakubowski | Kayla Ursini | Rebecca Grove | Rita D'Agostini | Jed McDonald | Matthew Brice | Beth Mooney | Jasmine Vandermyle | Kelly Woodhall | Amber Warren | Stephanie Spinozzi | Amy Donohue | Jordan Kimhi | Damian Mittiga