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Ghost Busted (2008)

Directed by Muchyar Syamas


With their career acting as ghostbusting paranormal in a fake reality show is about to end, Ferdi, Yatno, and Andi suddenly find themselves facing a real ghost. They must fake their way through a real excorcism while keeping their secret hidden.

Length 91 minutes


Mario Lawalata | Indra Birowo | Ence Bagus | Jill Gladys | Chandra Louis | Jojon | Dewi Safira | Ninda Syamil | Herry Savalas | Tessy | Ivan Ali | Boy Giring | Rieska Marini | Leo Sumanto | Stevandi | Rommy Warsita | Jojo | Sentot | M. Syamsir Baharudin | Vincentius Ramco Sinaga | Leroy Osmani | Sylviana | Bobby M. Prawiradarma | Billy Sandy | Yessi | Prisca Ayudya | Yohana | Yulia | Jonathan | Laksmi Emi Rabi | Citra Yunita | Novi Bunga