Antwerp, early June. On a sweltering Friday, eight people dream of a different life. There is wind and music, police and paranoia, gossip and arguing. There’s an ancient virus, a lost Frisbee, a dead horse, and, wandering the city, an enigmatic phenomenon called Windman who feels everyone’s pain but can’t seem to help himself. In the evening a party awaits them…
Length 127 minutes
Frank Vercruyssen | Diane De Belder | Eric Kloeck | Natali Broods | Matthias Schoenaerts | Dirk Roofthooft | Jonas Boel | Titus De Voogdt | Sam Louwyck | Annick Christiaens | Cedric Faes | Ides Meire | Louise Fimmers | Katelijne Damen | Diane Meersman | Sura Dohnke | Frank Focketijn | Valentina Sauca | Steve Aernouts | Kyoko Scholiers | Wine Dierickx | Bruno Vanden Broecke | Johan Heldenbergh