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Average Rating: 7/10

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Lifeforce (1985)

Directed by Tobe Hooper

Most recently watched by sensoria, sleestakk, seanCduregger


A space shuttle mission investigating Halley’s Comet brings back a malevolent race of space vampires who transform most of London’s population into zombies. The only survivor of the expedition and British authorities attempt to capture a mysterious but beautiful alien woman who appears responsible.

Rated R | Length 102 minutes


Steve Railsback | Peter Firth | Frank Finlay | Mathilda May | Patrick Stewart | Michael Gothard | Nicholas Ball | Aubrey Morris | Nancy Paul | John Hallam | John Keegan | Bill Malin | Derek Benfield | Jerome Willis | John Woodnutt | John Forbes-Robertson | Peter Porteous | Katherine Schofield | Owen Holder | Jamie Roberts | Russell Sommers | Patrick Connor | Sidney Kean | Paul Cooper | Chris Sullivan | Burnell Tucker | Chris Jagger