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Average Rating: 8/10

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The Stranger (2022)

Directed by Thomas M. Wright

Most recently watched by sensoria


Two strangers strike up a conversation on a long journey. One is a suspect in an unsolved missing person’s case and the other an undercover operative on his trail. Their uneasy friendship becomes the core of this tightly wrought thriller, which is based on the true story of one of the largest investigations and undercover operations in Australia.

Rated NR | Length 117 minutes


Joel Edgerton | Sean Harris | Jada Alberts | Fletcher Humphrys | Mike Foenander | Steve Mouzakis | Simon Elrahi | Alan Dukes | Ewen Leslie | Matthew Sunderland | Lucinda Nicholas | Peta Shannon | Thibul Nettle | Melanie Lyons | Anni Finsterer | Patty Glavieux | Adam Morgan | Andreas Sobik | Nick Buckland | Violet Rowe | Rachel Burke | Lori Bell | Lotte St. Clair | Martha Lott | Isabella Albani | Heidi Jo | Adam Ovadia | Stephen Leeder