Inspired by a television show featuring a kickboxing heroine, a woman named Kathy (Julie Suscinski) enrolls at a martial arts school in this low-budget action-comedy. When Kathy learns that the school is a front for drugs, prostitution, and blackmail, she uses her new skills to take the bad guys down.
Length 70 minutes
Michelle Bauer | Julie Suscinski | Shawna Baer | James Black | Ken Jarosz | Tom Hoover | James L. Edwards | Bogdan Pecic | Jo Norcia | Melanie Todd | Dennis K. Murphy | Jerry Camp | Barbara Katz-Norrod | Deloris Jacoby Jayne | Dave Parker | Jennifer Mullen | Scott P. Plummer | J.R. Bookwalter | Joseph A. Daw | Linnea Quigley | Jeffrey Lynn Hall | Jeffrey W. Scaduto | Dina K. McDonald