STELLA is a three-man comedy troupe from New York City, comprised of well-known comedians/actors Michael Showalter, David Wain, and Michael Ian Black. Though the three have made a living performing at comedy clubs, they are perhaps best known for their home-made short films. The STELLA SHORTS have garnered cult success because of their nonsensical plotlines, absurd dialogue, graphic sexual humor, sporatic violence, and sheer hilarity. This DVD showcases the trio’s first twenty-three adventures, each one more bizarre and hysterical than the last. Highlights include: a game of whiffleball that goes terribly awry, an expedition to the South Pole (?) to meet Santa Claus, an edge-of-your-seat moustache-growing contest, a twisted “whodunit”-style murder mystery, and much, much more.
Length 92 minutes
Michael Ian Black | Michael Showalter | David Wain | Nina Hellman | Josh Hamilton | Rosadel Varela | Zach Galifianakis | Francie Swift | Peter Salett | Bradley Cooper | Paul Rudd | Zak Orth | A.D. Miles | Martha Black | Heidi Neurauter | Scott Sowers | Joe Lo Truglio | Angela Galyean | Ian Helfer | Marisa Ryan | Christina Kirk | Leo Allen | Jenny Maguire | Todd Holoubek | Joanne Solomon | Ben Shenkman | Sam Rockwell | Glenn Kessler | Stuart Blumberg | Ali Marsh | Callie Thorne | Elizabeth Banks | Amy Miles | Matt Ballard | Julie Bowen | Amy Carlson | John Roberts | Julie Dingman | Seth Herzog | Amy Rice