The second installment in the classic Emmanuelle softcore film series to be helmed by director Ura Hee, Emmanuelle 2000: Emmanuelle in Paradise finds actress Holly Sampson in role originated by Sylvia Kristel. This time around, the seductress travels to such locales as Morocco and Japan, landing in passionate trysts at every turn.
Rated R | Length 89 minutes
Holly Sampson | Shauna O'Brien | D.J. West | Amber Herrel | Anthony Skordi | Gabriella Hall | Brad Bartram | Sean Juergens | Stephanie Gold | Tess Broussard | Goldie Gray | Summer Fields | Stella Porter | Janet Marsh | David Usher | Tre Temptor | Thomas Brooks | Linda Hong | Nancy Vee | Robert Donavan | Aysia Lee | Yvette Woung | Allysin Chaynes | John McCafferty | Robert Drake | Craig Alexander | Monique DeMoan | Darby Daniels