American social psychologist Ben Monroe investigates a local cult connected to a disturbing event. While he immerses himself into his work, his rebellious teenage daughter, Mazzy, gets involved with a mysterious local boy, who introduces her to the city’s underground party scene. As these two worlds head towards an intersection, Mazzy finds herself in great danger and Ben will need to race against the clock to save her.
Rated R | Length 94 minutes
Eric Bana | Sadie Sink | Sylvia Hoeks | Jonas Dassler | Sophie Rois | Stephan Kampwirth | Justine del Corte | Joone Dankou | Lara Feith | Sira-Anna Faal | Alexander Schubert | Daphna Rosenthal | Lea Draeger | Frida Stittrich | Tatiana Nekrasov | Matthias Rheinheimer | Carl Bagnar | Gerhard Elfers | DJ Express