The film tells the story of two very popular Finnish singer/songwriters: Tapio Rautavaara and Repe Helismaa, who worked together until their relationship got frictious for a long time. The film covers the years from 1949 to 1965. Since the film is based on real-life persons it also tells much about the change in Finland during those years and of course much about Finnish popular music.
Length 117 minutes
Tapio Liinoja | Martti Suosalo | Heikki Nousiainen | Anna Haaranen | Heidi Herala | Ari Wirta | Aulis Rosendahl | Martti Katajisto | Matti Mäntylä | Raimo Grönberg | Ilkka Koivula | Kai Lehtinen | Ritva Kanerva | Tuija Piepponen | Merika Koivusalo | Riina Koivusalo | Titta Antti-Poika | Severi Koivusalo | Samuli Koivusalo | Yasmin Samaletdin | Mika Nuojua | Antti Majanlahti | Sirkka-Liisa Leskinen-Toiviainen | Risto Salmi | Pekka Lehtimäki