Follows Hazel King, a single mother determined to protect her daughter from the life she once had while defending and protecting those who can’t protect themselves.
Rated PG-13 | Length 85 minutes
Angie Harmon | Kristoffer Polaha | Lauren Richards | George Paez | Timothy Granaderos | Gabriel 'G-Rod' Rodriguez | Bruce McGill | Benjamin J. Cain Jr. | Anthony Reynolds | Nelson Bonilla | Exie Booker | Matthew Cornwell | Brendan Patrick Connor | Scott Hunter | Casey Mills | Olivia Hawthorne | Bronsonn Taylor | Jessica A. Caesar | Mylea Hardy | Amy Patterson | Curtis Lyons | Patrick Young Jr. | Justin Z. Cole | Chris TC Edge | Ray Fawley | Skylan Kimbrell | Gary Maniloff | Lakia Mion | Glenda Moore | LaChelle Walker