A suspenseful Ninja fantasy based on Shiba Ryotaro’s novel, woven with the mysterious fate and romance of Shinzo and a beautiful Princess who find themselves at the center of an intrigue surrounding the legendary land of Yasurai in the mountains of Kumano. Hidden gold, the love of a beautiful Princess, and the approaching evil sword all contribute in bringing you a Ninja action thriller that only the legendary actor Okawa Hashizo and the genius director Kato Tai could produce!
Length 95 minutes
Hashizo Okawa | Hiroko Sakuramachi | Naoko Kubo | Sanae Nakahara | Kôji Nanbara | Kazuo Kitamura | Kô Nishimura | Seiji Miyaguchi | Kensaku Hara | Sonosuke Sawamura | Hiroshi Shiomi | Shinnosuke Ogata | Kenji Kusumoto | Ushio Akashi | Otabe Michimaro | Tetsunosuke Tsukigata | Kin'nosuke Fujiki | Hanzo Kataoka | Akira Shioji | Kinji Nakamura | Masaji Arikawa | Hachirô Minamoto | Yasushi Ôshiro | Kiyoshi Tomomura | Shinpachi Totsuka | Daizen Shishido | Junko Maki | Eitarô Shindô | Minoru Oki