Malgudi Days is an Indian television series based on the works of R.K. Narayan. The series was directed by the late Kannada actor and director, Shankar Nag while Carnatic musician L. Vaidyanathan composed the score; Narayan’s brother, R. K. Laxman was the sketch artist.[1] The series was made in 1986 by film producer T. S. Narasimhan with Anant Nag as the lead actor.[2] The sketches for the serial were done by Narayan’s brother and acclaimed cartoonist, R.K. Laxman. Thirty-nine episodes of “Malgudi Days” were telecast on Doordarshan . Subsequently, it was re-telecast on Doordarshan and later on Sony Entertainment Television, and Maa Television in Telugu. This television series was shot entirely near Agumbe in Shimoga District, Karnataka.[3] ‘Malgudi Days’ remains one of the most loved, nostalgic television series of all times.
Girish Karnad | Deven Bhojani | Vaishali Kasaravalli | Master Manjunath | Jayashree B. | Kanti Madia | Teddy White | Somu