Crazy and macabre comedy written and directed by Alfonso Paso, inspired by ‘The Residence’, a horror film by Narciso Ibanez Serrador. Two offenders commit a murder and unwittingly decide to separate. One of them found refuge in a villa. Palmiro, a boy from the house who everyone consider silly, discovered him.
Length 82 minutes
José Luis López Vázquez | Florinda Chico | Enriqueta Carballeira | Pedro Valentín | Armando Calvo | Miguel Del Castillo | Vicente Roca | Nieves López | Blaki | Francisco Martorell | Tito García | María Suárez | José Rocamora | Concha del Val | Javier Medal | Beatriz Pla | Antonio Mancho | Yamil Omar | José Miguel Ariza | María Rosa Quesada | Rosa María Altieri | Sergio de Frutos | Angelina Rubio | Peter L. Berkman | Gloria Lafuente