In 1983 Owl, North Dakota, the lives of three residents – elderly Horace, who spends his afternoons reminiscing in the local coffee shop; teenage Mitch, depressed backup quarterback star player-power-horse; and newly appointed high school English teacher Julia – along with those of the town’s other residents, are upended by a historic whiteout blizzard.
Length 88 minutes
Lily Rabe | Ed Harris | Vanessa Hudgens | August Blanco Rosenstein | Jack Dylan Grazer | Arianna Jaffier | Finn Wittrock | Henry Golding | Hamish Linklater | Matt Roy | James Craven | Emma Halleen | Arden Michalec | Kip Hathaway | Tajalahn Hunter | Ben Shaw | Cooper Sheehan | Derek Hughes | Jeremy Kucharek | Alan Arias | Brian Sostek | Kurt Kwan