The American Royalty docuseries showcases an in-depth perspective of the Miss America Pageant. Experience the hundred year history, influence, controversy, and evolution of this iconic institution.
Kimberly Clarice Aiken | Kylene Barker | Dorothy Benham | Ericka Dunlap | Pamela Anne Eldred | Judith Anne Ford | Heather Renee French | Elizabeth Gracen | Katie Harman | Nicole Johnson | Rebecca Ann King | Betty Maxwell | Marian McKnight | Terry Meeuwsen | Lauren Nelson | Susan Powel | Kaye Lani Rae Rafko | Camille Schrier | Savvy Shields | Bebe Shopp | Katie Stam | Debbye Turner | Marilyn Van Derbur | Vonda Kay Van Dyke | Charlene Wells | Heather Whitestone