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Average Rating: 8.5/10

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Onibaba (1964)

Directed by Kaneto Shindō

Most recently watched by sleestakk


While her son, Kichi, is away at war, a woman and her daughter-in-law survive by killing samurai who stray into their swamp, then selling whatever valuables they find. Both are devastated when they learn that Kichi has died, but his wife soon begins an affair with a neighbor who survived the war, Hachi. The mother disapproves and, when she can’t steal Hachi for herself, tries to scare her daughter-in-law with a mysterious mask from a dead samurai.

Rated NC-17 | Length 105 minutes


Nobuko Otowa | Jitsuko Yoshimura | Kei Satō | Jukichi Uno | Taiji Tonoyama | Someshô Matsumoto | Kentarô Kaji | Fudeko Tanaka | Hiroshi Tanaka | Kanzô Uni | Hosui Araya | Michinori Yoshida | Hiroyoshi Yamaguchi | Nobuko Shimakage