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Jingi 9: Revenge War of the Reaper (1996)

Directed by Noboru Matsui


A gangster gangster and an elite graduate of the University of Tokyo. Two people tied up by a single ammunition rise up in a yakuza society with their brains and courage. The 9th popular comic drama based on Ayumi Tachihara. Hitoshi Kamibayashi, acting leader of the Kanto sand group, was stabbed by someone. Yoshiro Yazaki, the chairman of the board, set out to unravel the case alone and noticed the killer brother “Grim Reaper” from Kansai.

Length 93 minutes


Kôichi Ueda | Riki Takeuchi | Toshihiko Sakakibara | Hatsunori Hasegawa | Shunta Nakamura