While working on a documentary on his old neighborhood, a young film school graduate shifts the focus of his production onto the disappearance of a local resident and the strange characters who are conducting the search to find him.
Rated R | Length 85 minutes
Michael Badalucco | Ray Mancini | Holt McCallany | Nicholas Turturro | Steve Buscemi | Samuel L. Jackson | Anne Meara | Tony Sirico | Jennifer Beals | John Turturro | Wayne Maugans | Adam LeFevre | Lodge Kerrigan | Aida Turturro | Joseph Siravo | Lucius Coletta | Pat McNamara | Sam Rockwell | Michael Louis Wells | John Nathan | Nance Robbins | Katherine Borowitz | Judson Camp | Mallory Kass | Drenda Spohnholtz | Debra Riessen | Thornton McEnery | Stretch Merced | Vinnie D. | Dee Imbert | Billie Blaire | Eric Klein