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The Other Mother: A Moment of Truth Movie (1995)

Directed by Bethany Rooney


Carol (Fisher) has had a rough time - a recent divorce, 2 young boys to raise, and close call with cancer. All of this emotional strain has brought about a strong desire in her to find the child she gave up for adoption 18 years prior. This is the story of her journey.

Length 120 minutes


Frances Fisher | Graham Beckel | Gregory Smith | Kavan Smith | Malcolm Stewart | Kevin McNulty | Gwynyth Walsh | Jan D'Arcy | Gillian Barber | Cameron Bancroft | Andrew Wheeler | Colleen Winton | Deborah May | Myles Ferguson | Jennifer Copping | Gabrielle Miller | Michele Goodger | Lossen Chambers | Denalda Williams | Sarah Sawatsky | Joy Coghill | Corrie Clark