After being abandoned by their Nazi parents at the end of World War II, five German siblings embark on a harrowing journey across their war-torn country. Led by the eldest, 14 year-old Lore, the children are forced to confront their parents’ actions and the reality of a new world.
Rated NR | Length 109 minutes
Saskia Rosendahl | Kai-Peter Malina | Nele Trebs | Ursina Lardi | Hans-Jochen Wagner | Mika Seidel | André Frid | Eva-Maria Hagen | Mike Veidner | Nick Holaschke | Sven Pippig | Philip Wiegratz | Katrin Pollitt | Hendrik Arnst | Claudia Geisler | Friederike Frerichs | Fabian Stumm | Jan Peter Heyne | Jochen Döring | Antonia Holfelder | Katharina Spiering | Franziska Traub | Birte Schnöink | Lucas Reiber | Wanda Perdelwitz | Pit Bukowski