After a series of life troubles Anya decides to completely change her life. She takes out a dusty bicycle, puts her dachshund Kapa in the trailer and sets o! to the most remote town in Russia to reconcile with her mother whom she has not been in touch with for 13 years. A resident of big city, Anya is not tough enough for a 10,000-kilometer road, injured feet, dangers and trials. Will she be able to cope with the di"iculties that a long road full of incredible meetings and amazing landscapes has prepared for her?
Length 110 minutes
Olga Lerman | Viktor Horinyak | Dmitry Chebotarev | Elena Yakovleva | Askar Ilyasov | Алина Алексеева | Mariya Gorban | Анастасия Светлова | Yulia Topolnitskaya | Olesya Zheleznyak | Anna Kotova | Dmitriy Lysenkov | Yuriy Garkavi | Mariya Lobanova | Roman Fomin | Inna Stepanova | Anton Momot | Aleksey Vesyolkin | Sofya Zaika | Andrey Kurnosov | Oleg Evteev | Basta Tsydenov | Lev Zulkarnaev | Александр Карпенко | Olga Shafranovskaya | Alyanura Tretyakova | Юлия Усадова | Asel Turdubaeva | Vsevolod Makarov | Sergey Savichev | Владимир Орехов | Анна Жигалина | Даниил Пилсуев | Виктория Хабинова | Надежда Мунконова | Дмитрий Иванов | Ruslan Kornekov | Mariya Zimina | Асель Кужакова | Магзям Кужаков | Алексей Саидов | Хайдар Исматов | Anton Maslov