Tales of youth, friendship and family interweave in an eccentric portrait of suburban existence on the last day of the summer school holidays in 1990’s Australia.
Length 80 minutes
Trish Zanetti | Calen Tassone | Kingsley Judd | Meg Lyons | Neve Havercroft | Benedict Chau | Oliver Hay | Lis Hoffmann | Jeremy Bunny | Philip Miolin | Georgia Wilkinson-Derums | Olivia Dugandzic | Jack McKevitt | Luke Koller | Steen Williams | Oriah Chittleborough | Kyran Doak | Sarah Brook | Connor Klobas | Luke Newman | Michael Veskovich | Billy Krsticevic | Cezera Critti-Schnaars | Nicolas Chapman | Renee Newman-Storen | Declan Driver | Will Smeets | Yasmine Caldwell | Jack Mitchel | Declan Brown