This documentary tells of the extraordinary rise of Jair Bolsonaro, from relative obscurity to the ultimate seat of South American power. Told through intimate interviews with some of those closest to him including his eldest son Flávio, former government ministers, as well as his opponents, explore Bolsonaro’s brilliant yet ruthless journey to the presidency, with high-stakes drama, guns and God.
Length 114 minutes
Jair Bolsonaro | Nina Sosanya | Glenn Greenwald | Thaís Oyama | Flávio Bolsonaro | Stephen K. Bannon | Silas Malafaia | Carla Zambelli | Paula Lavigne | Brian Winter | Anthony Pereira | Katy Watson | Chico Alencar | Guilherme Amado | Anielle Franco | Andrew Fishman | Joice Hasselmann | Bia Kicis | Eduardo Bolsonaro | Carlos Bolsonaro | Jô Soares | Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva | Barack Obama | Donald Trump | Fidel Castro | Christina Rocha | Luciana Gimenez | Babi Xavier | Marielle Franco | Stephen Fry | Felipe Campos | Raul Gil | Fernando Henrique Cardoso | Sarah Maslin-Nir | Luiz Henrique Mandetta | Linn da Quebrada | Greta Thunberg | Angelina Jolie | Emmanuel Macron