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God's Not Dead: In God We Trust (2024)

Directed by Vance Null


In a time of profound political, civil, and spiritual turmoil, Reverend David Hill grapples with the crucial question: Does God still have a place in politics? Compelled to enter a congressional race after the sudden death of a favored incumbent, David faces off against state senator Peter Kane, a formidable opponent determined to push religion out of the public square and cause greater divide.

Rated NR | Length 96 minutes


David A.R. White | Isaiah Washington | Ray Wise | Dean Cain | Cory Oliver | Brad Heller | Scott Baio | Samaire Armstrong | Vincent De Paul | Paul Lauden | Caroline Avery Granger | Paul Kwo | Kevin Downes | Holly Bonney | Logan White | Tommy Blaze | Laura Linda Bradley | Brian Scott Gilmore | Dean Allen Williams | Erick Stakelbeck | Jennifer Van Horn | Kristin Wollett | Maurice Johnson | Holly Anne Jones | Isabelle Almoyan | Sydney Russell | Nicole Boone | Adam Agee | Duncan Phillips | Jeff Frankenstein | Jody Davis | Michael Tait | Mike Huckabee | Charlene Tilton | Tommy Snider | Renee O'Neil | Vince Eisenson | Andrew Ameduri | Segun Oduolowu | Efrem Graham | Lucas McFadden | Raymond Arroyo | Brannon Cross | Mike Bevins | Steve Caston | Daniel Leuthardt | Cassandra Dawn | Karen Edwards | Wendy Gottshall Mitchell | Ethan Austin Haynes | Kimberly Hester Huffstetler | James D. Johnson | Antoinette Lewis King | Carolyn Lynette | Victoria Mack | Gary Maniloff | Melissa Milch | Carson Polish | Brian T Shirley | Rusty L. Stewart | Juan Szilagyi | Adam Voyles | Randy Wrenn | Marty Yackel