Jongo, a renowned photographer, and Candinho, a young and inexperienced journalist, arrive at a decaying country club of São Paulo’s high society, run by women involved with the law.
Rafael Vitti | Luis Miranda | Cristina Pereira | Irene Ravache | Louise Cardoso | Katiuscia Canoro | Grace Gianoukas | Polly Marinho | Shirley Cruz | Helena Albergaria | Ítala Nandi | Maria Bopp | Verônica Debom | Nani de Oliveira | Clodd Dias | André Abujamra | Tales Ordakji | Fernando Billi | Daniel Botelho | Alejandro Hernandez | Alexandra Loras | Bárbara Maia | Samira Carvalho | Badu Morais | Bruno Hoffmann | Lauretta Martinica | Alecsandra Marascar | Angela Valentin | Ana Luiza Leão | Cici Antunes | Joaquim Muylaert | Enrico Cardoso | Thiara Téos | Guilherme Gonella | John Barros | José Abujamra | Liz Martins