Set two years after the drama series “Nemesis,” Naoki Kazama works for Nemesis Detective Agency and is regarded as a brilliant detective. He is able to solve the most difficult of cases, but he has a secret. He is actually a lousy detective and relies on the genius skills of his assistant Anna Mikami to solve cases. Their partnership continues.
Length 99 minutes
Suzu Hirose | Sho Sakurai | Yosuke Eguchi | Ryo Katsuji | Aoi Nakamura | Miu Tomita | Yuko Oshima | Tatsuya Ueda | Daiken Okudaira | Ryo Kato | YĆ“ko Minamino | Kanna Hashimoto | Yoko Maki | Kiita Komagine | Ayona Mishima | Takashi Sasano | Koichi Sato