“The Trapp Family” is a true story based on the popular novel by the Baroness Von Trapp of Austria. The film was made in 1956, some years before the other film based on the Trapp Family’s life was released - a little movie named “The Sound of Music”.
Length 106 minutes
Ruth Leuwerik | Hans Holt | Maria Holst | Josef Meinrad | Friedrich Domin | Hilde von Stolz | Agnes Windeck | Liesl Karlstadt | Michael Ande | Franz Muxeneder | Joseph Offenbach | Gretl Theimer | Karl Ehmann | Hans Schumm | Peter Capell | Knut Mahlke | Ursula Wolff | Angelika Werth | Monika Wolf | Ursula Ettrich | Monika Ettrich | Paul Kürzinger