Swedish comedy from 1940. Carnival director Knut Lindberg has ended up in the hands of the usurer Director Aronsson and his shady practices trying to take over Lindberg’s funfair. But the two new colleagues, Kalle and Nisse, does everything to stop him.
Length 83 minutes
Nils Poppe | Carl Reinholdz | Sigurd Wallén | Carin Swensson | Greta Bjerke | Stina Sorbon | Sigge Fürst | Åke Grönberg | Carl Ström | Folke Algotsson | Gunnar Almqvist | Wiktor Andersson | Gerda Boman | Albin Erlandzon | Millan Fjellström | Erik Forslund | Nils Hallberg | Carl Harald | Keith Hårleman | Helge Karlsson | Lillebil Kjellén | Uno Larsson | Walter Lindström | Yngve Nyqvist | Algot Persson | Erik Rosén | John Sandling | Hugo Tranberg | Ragnar Widestedt