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Frostbiter: Wrath of the Wendigo (1995)

Directed by Tom Chaney, Rick Cioffi, Steve Quick

Most recently watched by sensoria


A duo of gun happy redneck hunters stupidly break a sacred circle in a hunting spree, which releases the deadly wendigo. The wendigo kills many of the hunters gruesomely, leaving the chosen woman and a gun toting idiot to destroy the deadly beast.

Rated R | Length 91 minutes


Ron Asheton | Lori Baker | Patrick Butler | Devlin Burton | Tom Franks | Alan Madlane | John Bussard | David Wogh | John Mietelka | Bill Siemers | Matt Hale | Mike Missler | Vicki Howard | Bret Julyk | Scott Asheton | Irina Dvorin | Joel Hale | Arwolf Arwolf | Marina Seaman | Kim Fenech | Kaye Davis | Paul Harris | Dave Thiry | Elizabeth Chaney | Rick Ruby | Mike Locke | Dave Meininger | Aaron Wallis | Simon Wallis | James Newton | Nikki Fite | Mary Fite | Noelle Niedermeier | Caleste Niedermeier | Tara Niedermeier | Carol Chaney | Susan Day | Lori Day | Thom Schuman | Bridget McKinley | Tamara Gerber | Mara Brooks | Rita Bowditch | Susan Korson | Jennifer Scovel | Diane Williamson | Tracey Perry Suekoff | Nancy Repper | Penny Steyer | Lita Bonebrake | Tom Bever | Sean Hoessli | Eric Chaney