“Mother Mara” follows a successful businesswoman and single mother who suddenly loses her 18-year-old son Nemanja to a heart attack. Instead of breaking down she buries the trauma deep inside. But when Mara meets 25-year-old gigolo Milan, the walls come down. She embarks on a physical relationship with him, then a friendship develops.
Length 96 minutes
Mirjana Karanović | Vučić Perović | Boris Isaković | Jasna Žalica | Jelena Ćuruvija | Ilija Maršićević | Alen Liverić | Jovana Petronijević | Jadranka Selec | Árpád Csernik | Stanislava Jeftić | Pavle Čemerikić | Bojana Đurašković | Aleksandar Đurica | Angellina