They were heroes of a special kind. They came from the steppes, the sons of farmers, of factory floor women. Salt-of-the-earth, strapping young men, model husbands, who believed in communism with all their hearts. Bright futures lay ahead of them. In the name of the Inter-cosmos Program they were about to conquer space. The second they touched down, they were treated like pop stars and worshiped as heroes. And today? What do the heroes of socialism do without socialism?
Length 87 minutes
Vladimír Remek | Miroslaw Hermaszewski | Sigmund Jähn | Georgi Ivanov | Bertalan Farkas | Pham Tuân | Arnaldo Tamayo Méndez | Jügderdemidiin Gürragchaa | Dumitru Prunariu | Abdul Ahad Mohmand | Leonid Brezhnev | Wojciech Jaruzelski | Todor Zhivkov