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Warhorse One (2023)

Directed by Johnny Strong, William Kaufman


A gunned down Navy SEAL Master Chief must guide a child to safety through a gauntlet of hostile Taliban insurgents and survive the brutal Afghanistan wilderness.

Rated R | Length 125 minutes


Johnny Strong | Athena Durner | Raj Kala | James Sherrill | Siya Rostami | Danny Augustus | Michael Sauers | Xander Gòmez | David Ibrahim | Steve Mokate | Ed Spila | Adam Dietrich | Jay Moses | Damian Turner | John Quincy Hunt | Glenn Peña | Osman Tello | Jason Huang | Marque Hernandez | Marco Gutierrez | Kobe Wiggins | Chris Calvert | Garrett Chadwick | Mitch Wollebaek | Ben Abrahamson | Colton Vaughn | Mike Logan Schiffbauer