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Female Animal (1970)

Directed by Jerry Gross


A sultry Latin peasant woman, who has overstayed her welcome in her relatives’ home, is run off the road while bicycling by a wealthy aristocrat. Immediately attracted to her, he hires her as his “maid”, and introduces her to the good life. She soon finds herself in a bitter power struggle between the man and his spoiled playboy son.

Rated NC-17 | Length 92 minutes


Arlene Farber | Nico Hartos | Andre Landzaat | Vassili Lambrinos | Jeanne Avery | Robert D'Arcy | Richard Fusco | Harold Keith | Joanne Sopko | Iris Avener | Tito Bonilla | Camille Monte | Belen Rios | Pudgy Roberts | Mary Rysz