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The Five Faces of Kadarwati (1983)

Directed by Sophan Sophiaan


Kadarwati, a young Javanese student in 1940s Singapore, is forced to become a ‘comfort woman’ by the occupying Japanese military

Length 112 minutes


Joice Erna | Frans Tumbuan | Sofia W.D. | Asrul Zulmi | Kusno Sudjarwadi | Aminah Cendrakasih | A Khalik Noor Nasution | Usbanda | Bram Adrianto | Ramli Ivar | Reza Pahlawan | Tompoh Salvatore | Yetty Sucipto | Susy Bolle | Usman Effendy | Nash Simanungkalit | Henky Nero | Rachmat Ryadi | Arbain | Uyung Ridwan | Eddy Buntoro | William Buntoro | Slamet Riyadi | Lina Budiarti | Yan Bastian