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Loriots 60. Geburtstag (1983)

Directed by Vicco von Bülow


It’s Loriot’s birthday. Reason enough to show him as he really is. Evelyn Hamann interviews him in the TV studio where he always records his show. A lot of guests are invited, mostly people who played in Loriot’s show, and a big surprise is announced for the end. - This fake celebration shows Loriot as a bitter old man, his guests as humorless bourgeois and Evelyn Hamann as an overtaxed presenter who can’t save the show.

Length 89 minutes


Vicco von Bülow | Evelyn Hamann | Heinz Meier | Heiner Schmidt | Ingeborg Heydorn | Rudolf Kowalski | Bruno W. Pannek | Edith Krüger | Ernst Dietz | Stefan Lukschy | Hanni Nitsch