A malevolent being known as The Jester terrorizes the inhabitants of a small town on Halloween night, including two estranged sisters who must come together to find a way to defeat this evil entity.
Rated NR | Length 90 minutes
Matt Servitto | Lelia Symington | Delaney White | Ken Arnold | Mary Jane Pentony | Michael Sheffield | Sam Lukowski | Lena Janes | Gabriel Morgan | Mia Mae Roberts | Jesse L. Green | Judson Grubby | Joe Hansard | Juniper Grabia | Dan De Luca | Molly Bevetts | Riley Collins | Faye Higdon | Emmanuel Kerry | Patrick McAteer | Olivia Miller | Carla Okouchi | Cory Okouchi | John Perin | Avery Polcari | Lennon Sanchez | Xander Timpane